Tips&TricksIs your phone lagging? Discover how a simple straw can boost its performance

Is your phone lagging? Discover how a simple straw can boost its performance

Common household items can have unexpected uses. Take a straw, for instance, typically used for drinking beverages. Inserting it into your mobile phone might lead to remarkable results. While this may seem preposterous initially, a straw can essentially help prolong the smooth functioning of your phone.

The straw is perfect for cleaning a phone.
The straw is perfect for cleaning a phone.
Images source: ©

Why insert a straw into a phone?

Inserting a straw into a phone is a simple trick to clean it. The charger port, headphone jack, or speakers of a phone are places where dust typically accumulates. These are difficult-to-access areas, cleaning them without dismantling the device (which could potentially damage it or void the warranty) is quite a task. The safest option would be to use compressed air. This can be purchased at an electronics store, or alternatively, you can utilize the straw trick which is costless and just as effective.

How to prepare a straw for cleaning the phone?

To utilize a straw for cleaning a phone, it has to be suitably prepared. Besides a straw, you'll need the top part of a plastic bottle (including the cap!), a chisel or soldering iron, and some glue (preferably hot). With your chosen tool, create a hole in the bottle cap that's just wide enough to insert the straw (avoid making it too big). Insert the straw through the hole so that a portion of it is within the bottle and a part remains outside. Adhere the straw to the cap with hot glue and allow the adhesive to dry fully. Then, insert the vacuum cleaner tube into the bottle ensuring that the straw is within it. The setup is now ready to remove dust and particles from the tiny crevices of a phone.

How to utilize this clever gadget?

As mentioned earlier, insert the straw into the tiny crevices of your phone. If it doesn't fit, hold it against the casing – this will also effectively remove dust from hard-to-reach areas. Activate the vacuum cleaner, leave it for a bit, and voila! All dust particles and crumbs will be eliminated. With this trick, you can clean USB, HDMI, and other sockets on devices such as computers, TVs, and other household appliances. The straw setup can be a handy tool, not just for cleaning your phone but also for different cleaning tasks. It's perfect for removing small debris from various nooks and crannies at home or in the car. Its utilization is based solely on your needs and creativity.

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