Is it over for Harry and Meghan? Experts and fans weigh in

An expert evaluated the behavior of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
An expert evaluated the behavior of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Images source: © (YouTube @CBS Sunday Morning

9:03 AM EDT, August 5, 2024

According to some, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's marriage was doomed from the start. Nevertheless, the couple has been together since 2018. Is the end of their relationship really approaching? Internet users have no doubt, and an expert confirms their concerns.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry gave another controversial interview that will be fully broadcast on August 4 at 6 PM Eastern Time. So far, interested parties have only seen a preview, but that was enough to draw far-reaching conclusions.

The meeting with journalist Jane Pauley was about, among other things, the aristocrats' foundation activities. However, as the British newspaper The Mirror writes, it didn't go as planned. This thesis is supported by the words of a body language specialist who closely examined the couple's behavior. She suggested that between them—to put it bluntly—things aren't going well. Why?

Her engagement with the interviewer is as powerful as Harry’s disengagement signals at the start of this clip while the two women speak... We see him in the clip gazing off into the distance with a serious facial expression while his wife tells a much more sociable and emotional story — analyzed Judi James.

Not only do the experts think similarly, but the internet is full of similar opinions. Most internet users do not view Meghan Markle favorably, accusing her of wanting to dominate Prince William's younger brother. According to critics, in the interview preview, she seemed irritated and treated him curtly.

"She showed him contempt. He didn't stick to the script, and when he interrupted, she got angry", "Meghan felt she was losing control", "She can't even pretend anymore", "The end of the theater in front of the cameras" - we read on platform X.

Prince Harry hasn’t benefited from his marriage to Meghan Markle?

In Poland, the relationship of the Sussexes has also sparked mixed emotions. Last year, Irena Kamińska-Radomska spoke about the unhealthy bond between them. The former mentor from "Projekt Lady" believes that Prince Harry's wife may have taken advantage of his emotional nature, leading to his estrangement from his family and moving to the United States.

Interview of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
Interview of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry© YouTube @CBS Sunday Morning
Meghan Markle gained a lot from this marriage. She became a duchess, has titled children, a loving husband, while Prince Harry was deprived by her of everything that was most valuable to him.

If the entire highly anticipated conversation arouses similar emotions, rumors of a crisis will certainly intensify. For some time now, the duo has not been portrayed positively, especially by the media on the islands.

What do you think? Are the speculations exaggerated, or is the atmosphere between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry so tense that a divorce may soon occur?

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