LifestyleIs it just a hangover, or should you call an ambulance?

Is it just a hangover, or should you call an ambulance?

This may not be a hangover. Call an ambulance right away.
This may not be a hangover. Call an ambulance right away.
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11:41 AM EST, December 3, 2023

A hangover, commonly regarded as an unpleasant yet harmless effect of drinking alcohol, can potentially pose serious health risks. Dr. Joshua Berkowitz, Medical Director of IVBOOST UK, sheds light on instances where a hangover might require medical intervention.

How alcohol impacts the body

Ethanol, found in alcohol, promotes diuresis - a process that drives the kidneys to remove toxins via excessive urination leading to dehydration, one of the key contributors to hangover symptoms. Dr. Berkowitz highlights that alcohol, being toxic, aggravates the stomach's mucous membrane, enhancing symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

Moreover, the metabolism of ethanol into acetaldehyde is harmful to the liver and brain and can lead to severe headaches.

The alarming consequences of excessive drinking on your health

Hangover symptoms requiring medical attention

Hangover symptoms range from mild, like fatigue and thirst, to more severe such as nausea, diarrhea, sweating, and acute vomiting, which may lead to serious dehydration.

Dr. Berkowitz underlines that severe dehydration can negatively impact cognitive functions, balance, situational judgment, and metabolism. You should seek immediate medical help if:

- you find it difficult to urinate during a hangover,

- there is blood in your vomit or stool,

- you have issues with balance,

- or you notice blurry vision.

One month is sufficient to halt liver cirrhosis and lose weight

Potential health threats mistaken for a hangover

In certain situations, hangover symptoms could disguise grave health conditions such as meningitis. The symptoms of meningitis - severe headache, fever, vomiting - mimic those associated with a severe hangover.

If these symptoms are accompanied by neck rigidity, sensitivity to light, or a rash with spots, immediate medical assistance is necessary.

Avoid drinking excessively, prevent alcohol addiction, and avert a brain hernia

The dangers of excessive alcohol consumption

It should be recognized that excessive alcohol consumption is a burden on the body, negatively affecting numerous organs, particularly the liver and brain. A responsible drinking approach, awareness of concerning hangover symptoms, can be pivotal in preserving health and preventing severe health repercussions.

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