Interview with Nikki Haley: she confirms she believes embryos are babies
6:13 AM EST, February 22, 2024
In an exclusive interview with NBC News the Republica Party's candidate for the president in the upcoming 2024 presidential elections backed up the ruling of Alabama's Supreme Court. She claims she believes that embryos are babies.
"To me ebryos are babies" says Nikki Haley in an exclusive interview with NBC News. The discussion and the question were caused by the recent ruling of the Alabama Supreme Court, which effectively stated that embryos should be treated as if they were real people.
Later, she added that "it is a different discussion when you talk about eggs or sperm, but it is different when you talk about embryos". She effectively distinguishes between the state of the sperm and eggs being separate and the state when one of the spermatozoids enters inside of an egg, the female gamete.
"To me, that's a life. And so I do see when its coming from when they do talk about that" adds Haley refering to the Alabama Supreme Court.
When further answering the question about the potential hurting of people who decide on having IVF treatment, Haley started to dodge the question. She was trying to say that "it is a serious conversation to have with your partner" and that it is inside the intimate relationship between the doctor and the patient. She had an incredibly solemn face while saying that and was making gestures with their hands, inclining the separateness of the two issues. She used the word 'conversation' several times.
The crucial part of the interview was when the journalist pointed out that in the IVF treatment, you have viable embryos and not viable embryos. When confronted with that obvious fact, Haley started to jump around. "This is where we need to be incredibly respectful and sensitive". She failed to address this issue and give her view on the contradictory statements she made.
Later, she insisted on not having seen any legislation concerning an issue and the ruling of the Alabama Supreme Court. She has not given any suggestions on how to solve this facet while keeping in line with everything she said.
Link to the full interview:
Source: NBC News