LifestyleHow to safeguard your garden from havoc-wreaking moles?

How to safeguard your garden from havoc-wreaking moles?

Moles, mammals armed with strong, shovel-like forelimbs topped with curved claws, can easily dig tunnels extending to over half a mile. Thanks to these physical attributes, they're swift movers, crawling underground at an impressive speed of 7-9 miles per day.

How to effectively get rid of a mole?
How to effectively get rid of a mole?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Counter to widespread belief, moles do not hibernate. They spend the frostiest months situated 20-24 inches beneath the freezing level. But, when temperatures remain above zero, accompanied by thaws, their activity amplifies. Consequently, you might observe distinctive mounds emerging in your gardens and yards even during these months.

How to deal with moles in winter?

That's why February, particularly when it's as warm as this year, is the perfect time to begin your anti-mole measures. If we employ tried and tested methods, the likelihood of these uninvited guests reappearing in the spring is significantly low.

The easiest method to deter moles involves introducing scents they find repugnant into their mound. These scents can come from various sources: lemon peels, dog or cat hair, herrings (or any fish, preferably overripe), garlic or basil. Exposure to these smells will prompt the mole to seek a new habitat.

Home-made mole deterrent sprays are popular, easy to make, and natural - a much-preferred alternative to their chemical counterparts. The best recipes often involve garlic and castor oil. To make a spray, mash a head of garlic, put it in a bottle, add oil, and leave it in a warm place for a day. A tablespoon of dishwashing liquid can also be added. Drench the molehills generously with this solution.

Moles possess heightened sensitivity towards sounds. Take advantage of this weakness by installing deterrents made from aluminum cans or bottles where they appear, or use special sound, ultrasonic, and vibratory deterrents, which can be purchased at garden stores.

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