LifestyleHow to protect your plants: DIY sprays to combat aphids

How to protect your plants: DIY sprays to combat aphids

Aphids are small insects that can cause significant damage. They attack unexpectedly and are extremely difficult to eliminate. However, there is an effective home remedy that costs just a few dollars. So, how can you prepare a natural spray for aphids?

A homemade spray as an effective way to combat aphids. How to prepare it?
A homemade spray as an effective way to combat aphids. How to prepare it?
Images source: © Pixabay, o2

Aphids appear unexpectedly and spread rapidly. They attack flowering plants, fruits, and vegetables, quickly ruining the results of hard work. Although small in size, they can cause serious damage: They weaken plants, inhibit their growth, and even lead to their death.

Unfortunately, getting rid of these uninvited guests is quite a challenge. Chemical agents are not always effective and can be quite expensive.

One alternative is to use home remedies to eliminate aphids from the garden. One remedy is a vinegar spray, which can eliminate pests in 10 minutes. How do you prepare a home spray for just a few dollars?

Home spray for aphids

Vinegar may repel with its smell, but it is a popular and inexpensive ally for household cleaning and fighting aphids. However, it needs to be used skillfully.

To prepare a home vinegar spray, dilute it with water in the right proportions: for 1 quart of water, add approximately 3.5 ounces of vinegar. After thoroughly mixing the solution, pour it into a spray bottle. And it's ready!

With this prepared spray, generously spray the plants that aphids have attacked. Add a bit of grated gray soap or a few drops of dishwashing liquid to the solution to increase the effect.

Another home remedy for aphids is a natural spray made from garlic and hot pepper. These ingredients have insecticidal solid properties and can help get rid of aphids quickly, although preparing the spray requires some patience.

You will need a few garlic cloves, a tablespoon of hot pepper, and 1 quart of warm water. Crush the garlic using a press and add the pepper. Pour water over the mixture and let it sit for about 6 hours. The next step is to strain the preparation and dilute it with water in the appropriate proportion—1 cup of the solution to 2.5 gallons of water. Spray the flowers every two days.

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