FoodHow to avoid bitter cucumbers in your summer salads

How to avoid bitter cucumbers in your summer salads

Cucumber salad with cream
Cucumber salad with cream
Images source: © Adobe Stock

10:49 AM EDT, June 25, 2024

What salad should you make for lunch on a hot day? We often choose cucumber salad. Cucumbers are mostly water, which helps quench thirst and cool you down. Making it takes just a moment. Everything is excellent as long as we don't get bitter cucumbers. Here are some tips on how to save them.

Cucumbers taste great on sandwiches, in cold soups, with cottage cheese, and in salads. The most popular salad is cucumber salad. It works well as long as the cucumbers are not bitter.

Where does the bitterness in cucumbers come from?

The problem of distinctly bitter cucumbers most commonly concerns field cucumbers. These vegetables often contain cucurbitacin, which deters pests. It's a natural substance always present in cucumbers but only affects their taste when there's too much of it. What causes this? Poor cultivation practices can lead to increased levels of cucurbitacin. This substance, usually found in the leaves, stems, and roots, can move into the flesh of the cucumbers, especially from the stem side. Therefore, the most bitterness is often found near the base in the greener parts of the cucumber. Dry conditions can also accelerate bitterness.

How to peel cucumbers for salad?

At first glance, it is impossible to tell if cucumbers taste bitter. You could try giving them a long bath if you bought bitter cucumbers. Soaking vegetables in cold water sometimes helps. You can save the cucumbers by peeling them correctly if you realize they are bitter. Peel the cucumber from the lighter side towards the darker side. Never do it the other way around, as that is a big mistake. This method prevents the spreading of bitter substances all over. After each stroke of the peeler or knife, rinse the cucumber under running water. You can ferment or turn them into lightly salted pickles if you have more bitter cucumbers. They will be delicious, and there will be no trace of the undesirable taste.

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