LifestyleHow long can you keep chicken in the freezer? Certainly less time than you think

How long can you keep chicken in the freezer? Certainly less time than you think

Freezing allows us to enjoy the taste of seasonal fruits all year round or prepare broth without leaving the house. You just have to take the meat out of the freezer, put it in the pot with the vegetables and it's ready.

Frozen chicken legs
Frozen chicken legs
Images source: © Adobe

Freezing allows for the preparation of food supplies. Excess meat, fruit, or other processed foods can simply be put in the freezer to be used at any time of the year. Little is discussed about this, but frozen food has an expiration date. Consuming expired products, even after deep freezing, carries the risk of food poisoning, especially in the case of meat.

Enticed by promotions, we often buy several packages of chicken, which we then put in the freezer, without considering whether we will be able to consume it. How to properly freeze chicken? How long is it suitable for consumption? We explain.

How to properly freeze chicken?

Proper freezing of meat extends its freshness and edibility. If you are buying portioned, hermetically sealed meat, it's enough to put the package in the freezer, as far away from the door as possible. The issue gets more complicated in the case of an entire chicken. It then needs to be prepared accordingly. Start by washing and drying the meat. Then, portion it into smaller pieces. Finally, transfer the meat to clean, plastic or glass containers or a ziplock bag. Don't forget to note the date on the package. This way, you can be sure that the defrosted meat is still good to eat.

How long can you freeze chicken?

The shelf life of chicken varies depending on the part of the meat being stored. Breast, thighs, or wings can be stored from 9 to 12 months, as long as they are hermetically sealed. On the other hand, the whole bird should not be stored for more than three months. The way we thaw the meat is also important. According to specialists, the thawed part of the chicken should be placed in a large bowl and then filled with cold water, which needs to be replaced every 30 minutes. The whole process will take from one hour to even three hours, depending on the size of the meat.

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