LifestyleHow calling your partner 'mommy' or 'daddy' can kill romance

How calling your partner 'mommy' or 'daddy' can kill romance

Maintaining passion in a relationship is not easy. Couples who have been together for many years often struggle with the so-called spark fading, which can be further dampened using two specific words. An expert revealed what these words are.

Maintaining passion in a relationship is not easy / illustrative photo
Maintaining passion in a relationship is not easy / illustrative photo
Images source: © Getty Images | nemke

Every couple operates on their own terms to ensure the relationship is happy and comfortable for both parties. This also applies to maintaining passion and sexual matters, which can sometimes be ruined by seemingly small things. The words we use towards each other are particularly significant. Two of these words are especially "dangerous."

These words destroy passion in a relationship

Marisa Peer, a self-described relationship expert, shared in a podcast what affects passion in a romantic relationship. The words couples use towards each other play a major role. These words are related to having a child because many parents adopt the words "mommy" and "daddy" in their relationships. This causes the people in a loving relationship to stop seeing each other as partners.

Many people do not realize that when they are in a long-term relationship with someone with whom they have a child, they tend to assume the role of parent in every aspect, which translates back to the bedroom - warned Peer.

She emphasized that it is very important not to carry parenting roles into the bedroom and to remember the bond that connects two people beyond being a mother and father.

The 222 method as a recipe for a successful relationship?

Couples busy with work and parenting daily should also try the 222 method, used by Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, one of Hollywood's most popular marriages. What is this practice about?

As explained by Dr. Mateusz Grzesiak, psychologist and lecturer at the WSB Academy, in an interview with "Good Morning TVN:

- The 222 method suggests acting in a specific way in a relationship to build a bond. Every two weeks, we should go on romantic dates (e.g., dinner, cinema, theater, or concert), every two months spend a weekend as a couple (discovering new places, going out of town, or on a so-called city break), and every two years go on a week-long vacation just the two of us (to enjoy each other's company and take care of intimacy).

The 222 method is supposed to prevent routine from creeping into the relationship and take care of the bond.

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