TechHouthis down another American reaper drone in Yemen skies

Houthis down another American reaper drone in Yemen skies

The Yemeni Houthi rebels have claimed responsibility for shooting down another American MQ-9A Reaper drone. This article presents the capabilities of the American "Reaper" and the background of its downing.

MQ-9 Reaper shot down by Huti
MQ-9 Reaper shot down by Huti
Images source: © X, @clashreport

The Yemeni Houthis have boasted about shooting down another American MQ-9A Reaper drone. This marks at least the fourth instance of such a downing in 2024 alone. It's important to note that each unit costs $56.6 million (based on 2011 prices). The Houthis claim to have shot down as many as 14 units, which could correlate with the documented losses of Reapers since 2019 (11-12 units), many of which have been confirmed through wreckage photos.

The Houthis likely used unconventional anti-aircraft missiles obtained from Iran, known as 358, Saqr-1, or SA-67. The US Navy has often seized these missiles aboard fishing boats in the Red Sea. Furthermore, the Houthis have access to 2K12 Kub and S-125 Neva systems.

MQ-9A Reaper — the US drone that is the scourge of terrorists

The MQ-9A Reaper, also known as Predator B, is an advanced American drone and an upgraded version of the well-known MQ-1 Predator used by the United States Air Force (USAF). According to 2011 rates, the Reaper cost approximately $56.6 million. These drones are tasked with conducting reconnaissance and executing precise attacks, primarily aimed at terrorists.

The United States has deployed MQ-9A Reaper drones in regions around the world, including Africa, the Middle East, and the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. They typically employ AGM-114 Hellfire missiles for attacks. Over time, a variant with retractable blades, the R9X Hellfire Ninja, was developed to reduce the risk of collateral damage.

MQ-9A Reaper — impressive capabilities and endurance

The MQ-9A Reaper is a HALE (High Altitude, Long Endurance) category drone, enabling it to fly at altitudes of up to 49,000 feet for more than 27 hours. It incorporates stealth technology, providing a relatively small radar cross-section, particularly from the front.

The drone has an empty weight of 4,850 pounds and a wingspan of 66 feet. A Honeywell TPE331-10GD engine powers it and has a fuel capacity of 3,900 pounds, giving it an extensive operational range. However, this also makes it more vulnerable to heat-seeking missiles.

This drone can carry additional equipment on seven pylons with a total weight capacity of up to 3,750 pounds. This may include equipment such as day and thermal high-resolution cameras, radar, a laser rangefinder, and target designator, as well as electronic warfare pods and signal amplifiers, not to mention weaponry.

The armament includes laser-guided Paveway II bombs, JDAM bombs, anti-tank AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, and even AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, allowing it to counter other drones or aircraft.

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