Tips&Tricks'Hidden power guzzlers: Your devices might inflate your electricity bill, even when turned off'

'Hidden power guzzlers: Your devices might inflate your electricity bill, even when turned off'

"Devices that consume electricity photo."
"Devices that consume electricity photo."

2:42 PM EST, January 11, 2024

These devices keep drawing electricity, and you end up paying for consumption you aren't responsible for - you're essentially overpaying for something you're not using. Taking small actions towards energy savings can bring significant financial benefits over time.

Is it worth unplugging devices that consume electricity, even when not used?

  • Phone charger

Unplugging the charger from the socket after using it is a small but significant step. Leaving the cable plugged in, even after charging your phone, means it continues to draw power, about 1-2 W per day. This impacts your electricity bills. It's not only environmentally unfriendly, but can also pose risks. For instance, a near spill of water could potentially cause damage if the cable is plugged in.

  • Devices that display the time

An oven, microwave, and other similar devices display time even when they're not in use. This consistent power drawing may appear minor, but it affects the final billing. Although displaying the time is convenient, assess if it's worth the higher electricity bill.

  • TV decoder

The TV decoder consistently draws power for its LED light. On balance, it may be better to overlook this small consumption. This is because most decoder models tend to reset when disconnected and reconnected. You probably don't want to wait for all the settings to update each time you turn on the TV. The same applies to the TV - its LED light stays on, consistently consuming electricity!

  • Dishwasher

The dishwasher also uses electricity constantly - adding a few monthly dollars to your bill. But remember, small amounts add up to a significant sum on your annual bill!

  • DVD player, Blu-ray, gaming consoles, etc.

Such devices are typically used sporadically. Hence, they could be connected to a power strip and turned on only when needed.


Combined, these appliances generate small but incremental costs. Unplugging them from constant power can result in significant savings over time.

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