FoodHidden nutrition: From carrot tops to radish leaf pesto

Hidden nutrition: From carrot tops to radish leaf pesto

Images source: © Getty Images | Chiara Salvadori

6:59 PM EDT, July 7, 2024, updated: 8:21 AM EDT, July 8, 2024

Carrot, radish, and cauliflower leaves are typically treated as unnecessary waste and thrown away. It's a pity because they are packed with nutritional value and are quite tasty. So, how can they be used in the kitchen?

Carrot leaf salad

Carrots are one of the most popular vegetables in many cuisines, but only the root is usually used. The carrot tops are equally interesting and can be used to prepare a delicious salad.

Carrot leaves can be slightly bitter. How do you get rid of the bitterness? Pour boiling water over the tops, then rinse with cold water. After that, chop them (not too finely) and mix with chopped red onion, radish, grated fresh ginger, and a bit of coconut flakes. Add some olive oil, and season with salt and pepper.

Stuffed cabbage in horseradish leaves

We often use horseradish root but treat its leaves as an unnecessary weed, even though they have an interesting, slightly spicy taste. Horseradish leaves can successfully replace cabbage in stuffed cabbage. How do you prepare this delicious dish?

Using water or broth, cook a cup of barley according to the package instructions. Mix it thoroughly with finely chopped onion (you can sauté it lightly beforehand), diced red pepper, pressed garlic (2-3 cloves), a raw egg, and ground meat, preferably pork shoulder (about 1.8 lbs). Season the mixture with salt and pepper. Remove the thick stems from the large horseradish leaves, then blanch them (immerse them in boiling water for several seconds, then "shock" them in cold water) and dry them. Spread a portion of the stuffing on the leaves and wrap them. Simmer the stuffed cabbage in broth (e.g., mushroom) for about an hour.

Radish leaf pesto

Radish leaves are a treasure trove of valuable nutrients, including vitamin C (twice as much as citrus fruits). They're worth using to make an alternative pesto – a tasty addition to sandwiches or pasta dishes.

Wash and dry the leaves from a bunch of radishes (young leaves, not wilted, and without discoloration), then blanch them briefly, immersing them in boiling water for several seconds and cooling them in ice water. Blend them with toasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds (two tablespoons each), chopped walnuts (one tablespoon), grated Parmesan (two tablespoons), pressed garlic (two cloves), and olive oil (five to six tablespoons)—season with salt, pepper, and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Cauliflower leaf chips

Cauliflower leaves contain a lot of fiber, which regulates bowel function and helps remove toxic metabolic products. They make a great base for a healthy alternative to store-bought chips.

The task is simple. Cut the leaves into smaller pieces to make cauliflower leaf chips, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with your favorite seasonings (e.g., salt, smoked paprika, or dried rosemary). Bake them in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Kohlrabi leaf smoothie

We value kohlrabi for its delicate, sweet-spicy taste. Its leaves, which can make a delicious and healthy smoothie, are equally valuable.

You only need rinsed kohlrabi leaves (a handful), a banana, a peeled and cored pear, and a cup of orange juice to make it. Blend all the ingredients well. The smoothie is best enjoyed chilled in the refrigerator.

Carrot leaf Chimichurri

This sauce pairs well with grilled meats, fish, or vegetables, and it can also be used as a marinade or a sandwich topping. While the base of this Argentine sauce is typically parsley, it can be successfully made with fresh carrot leaves.

Cocktail© Getty Images | Tatyana Kildisheva

In a small bowl, mix finely chopped carrot leaves (one cup), chopped garlic (one clove), red pepper flakes (half a teaspoon), dried oregano (one teaspoon), and sweet paprika (one teaspoon). Add white wine vinegar and olive oil (a quarter cup each). Mix well, and season with salt and pepper.

Finely chop fresh borage leaves, then cook them for 10 minutes in vegetable broth (one pint). After cooling, add kefir mixed with thick 18% sour cream (1.7 cups each), a few grated radishes, chopped dill and chives (two tablespoons each), and 2-3 pressed garlic cloves. Mix well, season with salt and pepper, and chill in the refrigerator. Serve the cold soup with wedges of hard-boiled egg.

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