HealthHidden facial warning sign of liver distress: The subtle symptom you shouldn't ignore

Hidden facial warning sign of liver distress: The subtle symptom you shouldn't ignore

When the liver is in trouble, it usually doesn't give clear signals for a long time or sends ambiguous symptoms. These may include chronic fatigue, itchy skin, impaired concentration, nosebleeds, an unusual taste in the mouth, and muscle and joint pain.

Did you notice that on the cheeks? It's a sign that the liver may be in bad condition.
Did you notice that on the cheeks? It's a sign that the liver may be in bad condition.
Images source: © Getty Images | 2022 Getty Images

Interestingly, one of the symptoms that may indicate liver problems can be spotted in the mirror. If you notice spider veins appearing on your neck and face, it might be a sign that your liver is struggling. These features, known as spider nevi, are caused by the permanent dilation of blood vessels.

These spider nevi resemble a spider's web and can appear not only on the face and neck but also on the chest and arms. People with liver conditions may not notice them initially or may not connect them with their health situation. However, these spider veins enlarge over time and can sometimes extend to several inches in length.

To confirm whether these skin changes indicate poor liver health, lightly press the area where the spider nevi has appeared. If the veins fade significantly upon touch, this could be a sign of disturbed liver function, and you should consult a doctor immediately.

The most common reasons for disorders in the largest gland of our body include regular excessive alcohol consumption and an unhealthy diet - precisely one that is rich in fats, hard to digest, and full of highly processed foods. Those battling obesity, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, disturbed lipid metabolism, metabolic syndrome, or those with genetic predispositions to these conditions are also at increased risk of liver problems.

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