EntertainmentHere is how the day of the week you were born affects your character traits

Here is how the day of the week you were born affects your character traits

What does our birth date say about us?
What does our birth date say about us?
Images source: © Pixabay

9:42 AM EDT, October 23, 2023

We often wonder what influences our personality. We often consider our zodiac sign, which is associated with the day and month of our birth, and sometimes even the year. The day of the week you were born also matters and can influence your character traits.

Many factors affect our personality, and one of them could be the day of the week we were born. Each of the seven days of the week is ruled by one of the planets. It is the influence of these planets that accounts for certain character traits.


Monday is the day of the Moon. People born on this day are extremely emotional, sensitive, and prone to mood swings. They value family and the warmth of home life. They strive to have their own stable and safe place on earth, where they can enjoy life and shelter from the evil of the world.

People born on Monday tend to be a little withdrawn and distant at first. They need more time to open up and trust. They also have a hard time making quick decisions - they prefer to think everything through and sleep on the problem before they start acting. In love, they are faithful, loyal, and persistent. These are people who fall in love once and for all and would prefer to spend their entire life with one person. They like when everything goes according to plan, but they don't like surprises and unexpected events.


On Tuesday, combative Mars rules. People born on this day are energetic, unyielding, appreciate competition, and feel a constant need to prove themselves and win. They usually strive for power in life. They like changes and are not afraid of new challenges. They willingly blaze unknown paths and take risks without hesitation.

People born on Tuesday are often materialistic. Money is important to them, and they also care about their social status. They want to grow and have more and more. They never settle for what they have already achieved. They are ambitious, confident, and set high standards for themselves. They often react impulsively and say or do something first, and only think later.


Wednesday is the day of Mercury, the planet responsible for profit, communication and travel. People who were born on a Wednesday are open, communicative and quite chaotic. They can also be careless, make hasty decisions and have trouble distinguishing what's good from what's bad. Fortunately, they are helped by an innate ability to improvise and the ability to adapt to conditions. They handle even difficult situations well, and when put up against the wall, they are able to take logical steps.


Thursday is the day of Jupiter, considered the most auspicious planet in astrology. People who were born on this day are endowed with extraordinary maturity and are able to give wise and accurate advice. They are eager to share their knowledge and experience, they like to help and rescue loved ones from oppression. For this reason, they may seem a little too smart and annoying. They also have a tendency to control others.


Friday is the day of Venus, the planet associated with love, beauty, art, and pleasure. Those born on this day are sociable and want to fully enjoy life. They have high demands and often unrealistic expectations. They believe they deserve the very best. They like money, luxuries, and beautiful objects. They care about having a comfortable and interesting life. They can be superficial and materialistic.


Saturday is the day of Saturn, which gives people born on this day determination, maturity and the ability to take responsibility for their decisions and actions. Saturday children are often diligent, hardworking, practical and modest. In life, they are guided by common sense and do not succumb to emotions. They can also be shy and have trouble establishing new relationships. They usually never speak up first and often stand somewhere on the side and just do their thing.


Sunday is a day ruled by the Sun, and those born then are considered exceptionally lucky and favored by fate. They are people full of joy, optimists, endowed with extraordinary charm and magnetism as well as leadership abilities. They are characterized by consistency and persistence in action, but can be authoritative and self-doubting. They are often introverts and egocentric. Lack of respect is something they cannot endure, so they usually leave when they feel ignored or insulted.

So, what does the day of the week you were born say about you? You might be surprised by what you've discovered. But remember, this is just one of many things that influence your personality. Each of us is unique and irreplaceable, and our personality is shaped by many different factors.

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