NewsHeatwave horror: Tourist deaths surge in Greece's scorching summer

Heatwave horror: Tourist deaths surge in Greece's scorching summer

A wave of unbearable temperatures is taking a deadly toll in Greece. On Monday, the Athens police reported finding the body of a 67-year-old German tourist on Crete, who had taken a hike in the mountains on Sunday. This marks the sixth tourist death in June caused by the scorching weather.

It's hard to endure in Greek cities in recent weeks. The heat is taking a toll on Athenians.
It's hard to endure in Greek cities in recent weeks. The heat is taking a toll on Athenians.
Images source: © Getty Images | Nikolas Kokovlis

The German tourist was hiking alone in the canyon in the Sougia region. During this walk, he called his wife to inform her that he was not feeling well.

A search and rescue operation was immediately launched, and a special rescue unit equipped with drones spotted the man's body in the Trypiti canyon, a police officer told Reuters. Unfortunately, the German tourist could not be saved.

Across the country, several tourist deaths have occurred during the June heatwave. Tourists are particularly vulnerable to temperatures exceeding 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

Many tourists want to take advantage of local attractions, even if conditions are unfavorable. Most guests do not want to stay in air-conditioned rooms for hours, even though authorities recommend not going out in the sun from 11 AM to 4 PM.

Heatwaves in Greece. The majority of fatalities are tourists

Last week, on the Greek island of Mathraki in the Ionian Sea, the body of a 55-year-old American was found. In early June, a Dutch citizen died on the island of Samos in the Aegean Sea.

The body of British TV presenter Michael Mosley was found on June 9 on Symi, another island in the Aegean Sea. Services searched for the man for four days.

Airplanes, drones, and boats were involved in the rescue operation. The presenter went on a solitary walk while the temperature outside was very high.

The fate of two French women aged 73 and 64 remains unknown. The women went missing on the island of Sikinos. A 59-year-old American police officer, who was vacationing on the island of Amorgos, is also currently considered missing.

High temperatures cause body overheating, dehydration, burns, and heatstroke. These conditions may lead to fainting and loss of consciousness. Solo expeditions under such conditions can be a death sentence. The most vulnerable to heat shock are young children and older people.

Read also: explosion on a yacht in Mikołajki. a family with children on board

Extreme heat in Greece has also caused other misfortunes. Hot and dry air has caused many fires, forcing many people to leave their homes around Athens.

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