EntertainmentHealthy gaming: Fan ditches cigarettes for GTA 6 experience

Healthy gaming: Fan ditches cigarettes for GTA 6 experience

The anticipation of a game can certainly be life-changing. A particular GTA 6 enthusiast revealed that the desire to be in good health to play the new release motivated them to quit smoking.

A fan quit smoking in anticipation of GTA 6.
A fan quit smoking in anticipation of GTA 6.
Images source: © Midjourney | Redcik

Grand Theft Auto 6 is among the most eagerly anticipated games in history. Rockstar Games Studio declared that they will roll out the first trailer for the new GTA in early December. Yet, we might have to wait a while longer for the actual game to be released. Meanwhile, one fan was so filled with anticipation for the upcoming title that it led to them giving up cigarettes.

Their excitement for GTA 6 leads them to quit smoking

The passionate gamer explained their need to be healthy and enjoy the game for as long as possible. "The anticipation of GTA 6 drove me to quit smoking" - Reddit user RoeJoganLife declared in the thread title.

"I've been a chain smoker for quite some time now. I've lately been doing a lot of coughing and feeling terrible after each cigarette, proving again how horrendous addiction is" - the player lamented, who found an unexpected incentive to give up their habit.

"I'm so thrilled about GTA 6 that the potential of being hospitalized or heavily medicated due to smoking scared me into quitting. I'm not going to miss this game and I want to be in the best health possible. Today marks my tenth day without smoking. Thanks, Rockstar!" - the GTA 6 enthusiast expressed in their post.

RoeJoganLife gathered immense support from other Reddit users who, like them, eagerly await the release of Grand Theft Auto 6.

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