FoodHealthy crumble delight: Enjoy oatmeal-nut topper magic

Healthy crumble delight: Enjoy oatmeal-nut topper magic

Nuts and oatmeal crumble makeup half of a perfect dessert. In this crumble, I hide seasonal fruits beneath a delicious topping. I often choose apples, sometimes substituting them with pears. It's a quick and simple recipe.

Apples under an oat crumble is a delicious dessert.
Apples under an oat crumble is a delicious dessert.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | (Olga Yastremska and Leonid Yastremskiy)

Crumble, which is essentially a cake without a base, is a delightful baked treat. Traditionally, it's made with a buttery, classic crumble topping. However, if you're watching your calorie intake and want a lighter version, swap wheat flour for oatmeal. Add some nuts, and you'll have a healthy dessert in no time.

What to bake crumble in?

A heat-resistant dish works best for this oven dessert and doesn't need to be lined with baking paper. The main advantage of these dishes is their ease and convenience of use. You can prepare healthy and delicious meals in them and store leftovers without transferring them. They can handle high temperatures, making them perfect for baking, roasting, and even braising for extended periods. Thanks to their transparent walls, you can easily monitor the cooking process and serve the dish aesthetically straight from the oven to the table.

Recipe for crumble with oatmeal topping

The basic ingredients include oatmeal, butter, and a sweetener. You can replace sugar with maple syrup or honey. You may want to partially blend the oatmeal but not turn it into a fine powder. The butter should be chilled but not too hard, so it combines easily.


  • About 7 ounces of oatmeal
  • About 3.5 ounces of butter
  • About 3 ounces of brown sugar
  • About 2 ounces of peeled walnuts
  • About 28 ounces of apples or a mix of apples and pears


  1. In a bowl, combine the oatmeal with butter and sugar.
  2. Peel the fruits and cut them into large pieces.
  3. Grease the dish with butter (using the butter wrapper is a handy tip—keep it in the freezer).
  4. Preheat the oven to 365°F.
  5. Arrange the fruits in the dish and cover them with the oatmeal crumble.
  6. Chop the nuts and scatter them on top.
  7. Place the dish in the oven and bake for about 35 minutes.
  8. Serve the oatmeal crumble hot.

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