Healer's deadly methods: Hongchi Xiao found guilty of manslaughter
61-year-old Hongchi Xiao is known for his unconventional healing methods. A woman with diabetes stopped taking insulin and instead used a therapy that involved hitting herself in the face. After three days, the 71-year-old "howled in pain," and on the fourth day, she died. This is the second victim of the Chinese healer's controversial methods.
According to the BBC, Hongchi Xiao was found guilty of gross negligence and causing the woman's death. This incident occurred in 2016 in Wiltshire, England. The trial took place in Winchester, England, where the jury found the Chinese healer guilty by a vote of 11 to 1.
71-year-old British woman Danielle Carr-Gomm attended his several-week-long workshop. The workshop involved self-healing by hitting oneself in the face. According to Xiao, this improves blood flow and stimulates life energy. The BBC reports that the woman had type 1 diabetes and needed to take insulin to maintain her blood glucose levels. However, she was afraid of needles and sought alternative treatment methods. After starting sessions with the controversial healer, she declared that she would stop taking insulin. He is said to have congratulated her on this decision.
Media reports indicate that she even began fasting but felt worse. On the third day, she was reportedly exceptionally "tired, weak, and howling in pain." On the fourth day, she died from ketoacidosis. While testifying, Xiao claimed he was not the organizer of the workshops and emphasized that he had no medical education. Prosecutors stressed that workshop participants respected the man and should have encouraged a proper lifestyle.
During the proceedings, it was revealed that the deceased woman had also participated in his workshops held in Bulgaria. At that time, she also stopped taking her medications and began vomiting. Xiao is said to have convinced her to resume taking insulin.
Another victim of the healer from China
According to the BBC, Hongchi Xiao is also responsible for the death of a 6-year-old boy from Sydney. The parents stopped giving him insulin because they followed the healing method provided by the 61-year-old man. This happened in 2015, but only after the death of the British woman did the justice system address his methods. He was convicted of manslaughter in an Australian court.
He has now been transported to the United Kingdom, where he faces charges in connection with the death of Danielle Carr-Gomm. The man claims his methods "completely surpass the imagination of the media and experts."
The British "The Guardian" reports that Hongchi Xiao was born in China and worked in local banks. At the age of 40, he wanted to "do something more valuable." He claims to have learned alternative healing methods from kung fu masters and hermits. He argued that the technique is 80% effective.