LifestyleHe spent 30 hours on the train. "You can become lunatic through the way"

He spent 30 hours on the train. "You can become lunatic through the way"

The tourist spent 30 hours on the train.
The tourist spent 30 hours on the train.
Images source: © TikTok
ed. MSI
6:26 PM EDT, October 13, 2023

From Kolkata in Northern India to Chennai in the South, you can get there by train, among other means. However, you need to prepare for a journey in challenging conditions. One TikTok user posted an account from this unusual route. "I would never do this in my life," we read in the comments below the video.

Kolkata and Chennai are over 1032 miles apart. Those who value comfort will undoubtedly choose to travel by plane. Unfortunately, those who can't afford a plane ticket have to choose ground transportation. Trains are one of the options to get from one town to the other.

The train journey through India lasts 30 hours

And even though the ticket only costs about $10, you have to prepare for greatly unfavorable conditions. The train is usually overcrowded, and there are not enough seats for passengers. For this reason, some sit or sleep on the ground for close to 30 hours.

Additionally, there is no air conditioning on the train, and the heat along with no access to running water create an unbearable stuffiness and tormenting odor. Despite this, one of the TikTok users decided to traverse India on this train.

- I'm not sure if you can hear me well, but I wanted to tell you that I'll be traveling in a sleeper car. This journey from Kolkata to Chennai takes 30 hours. This is my bed. As you can see, it's a mixed car, so everyone just shares. Usually, three or four people use one bed. And yes, it will be uncomfortable and I'll be sweating the whole way, but I'm here for an adventure - says the author of the video published on TikTok.

During the 30-hour journey, passengers can take advantage of meals offered by the carrier. In the video, we see the author eating rice with meat, for which he paid just under 8 Złoty - "For that kind of money on a train, it's not bad".

After 30 hours, the train arrives in the state of Tamil Nadu

After 20 hours, the train has covered 2/3 of its planned route. For those who boarded along the way, there were no more seats or beds, so they had to sleep on the floor.

- I did it. I made it. I traveled across India in 20 hours. I need to go to the bathroom, because for all this time I practically didn't get up. I spent the whole journey lying on the bed. Welcome to Tamil Nadu state - the TikToker summarized.

"30 hours without a bathroom?!" - internet users are amazed. "I would never travel like that"; "I would pay any amount of money to not travel like this"; "There’s no way. You could go nuts on the way"; "I don't even want to imagine how bad it must have smelled" - we read in the comments under the published recording.

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