Halloween beetles invade: Simple home remedies to repel them
Halloween beetles are eager to visit our homes. They fly in through open doors and windows. Unfortunately, although they seem harmless, they can bite painfully. So how can we protect ourselves from them? It's very simple.
They resemble "ordinary" ladybugs. However, when we look closely, we notice that their appearance is quite different. Attention should be drawn primarily to their color. Halloween beetle can be yellow, orange, red, or even black. The number of spots they have, up to 20, is also significant. What should you do when you spot them in your home? Check it out.
Are Halloween beetles dangerous to humans?
Many of us consider Halloween beetles dangerous for a reason. Their bite can be very unpleasant. Not only does it leave a mark, but it can sometimes also cause allergic reactions. Additionally, swelling, burning, and even redness are often observed.
However, it is important to emphasize that Halloween beetles bite does not pose a threat to our life. Usually, a cold compress or applying a soothing ointment to the bitten area is sufficient.
Home remedies for Halloween beetles
Two influencers run a profile on Instagram where they share various housekeeping tricks with their followers. This time they revealed how to protect yourself from an invasion of Asian ladybugs. According to them, there are four ways to ensure these creatures do not even come close to us.
First, they advise using vinegar, well-known to all of us, mixed "with water in a 1:1 ratio". Then, simply pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and spray the window frames and doors.
"This will create a barrier for the insects," they emphasized.
It turns out that another product, found in almost every home, will be useful in fighting ladybugs.
"Add a few drops of soap to water and spray the places where ladybugs gather. The soap will help them lose orientation."
The influencers revealed that Asian ladybugs also dislike specific scents. That is why it's worth using this against them. Orange or lemon peels with cloves pinned into them will be helpful. Just place these prepared items on windows and near doors.
But that's not all. There's one more way to deal with Halloween beetles. "Crushed garlic cloves on window sills will effectively keep these uninvited guests away," they pointed out.