LifestyleGynecologists bust myths: TikTok video reveals truth about exams

Gynecologists bust myths: TikTok video reveals truth about exams

"Gynecologists revealed what patients are most often afraid of"
"Gynecologists revealed what patients are most often afraid of"
Images source: © TikTok | ochsnerhealth

10:03 AM EST, November 9, 2023

Gynecologists Caitlyn Ranger and Amanda Henne have decided to address the factors causing stress in women who visit their clinics. They posted a candid TikTok video elaborating on the concerns women typically have during gynecological examinations.

Many women experience stress during gynecological visits, not only concerning their health, but also about how they will be perceived by the doctor. Hence, these two specialists from the United States decided to create a TikTok video to divulge what concerns women the most and help alleviate their fears about gynecological visits.

The doctors clarified their thoughts and debunked five popular misconceptions about preparing for gynecological visits.

How menstruation and gynecological visits intersect

The specialists reported that many women delay their appointments due to their menstrual cycle. Interestingly, gynecological visits during menstruation are possible with the help of modern diagnostic techniques. In fact, in situations of heavy bleeding, this could be crucial as it enables the doctor to make the appropriate diagnosis and recommend a suitable treatment plan.

According to the gynecologists, the most widespread cause of unease for patients is the presence of hair in the intimate areas. Women are often anxious about how they would be perceived and if the existence or absence of hair would affect the evaluation of their health.

However, the specialists emphasized that the presence or absence of hair in the intimate areas has no bearing on the examination. It is not the most essential aspect for the doctor; their priority lies in the health of the patient and prompt medical actions if an infection is detected.

The doctors also cited patients withholding certain information as a key concern. Although women might feel embarrassed or uncomfortable during these visits, the experts assure them that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Concerns about old pedicures and underwear – are they justified?

The gynecologists also brought up the issue of patients feeling embarrassed about their undergarments and the condition of their pedicures. Some women are mortified at the thought of the doctor seeing their underwear, hence they try to conceal it amidst their clothes.

The final concern the doctors addressed is about the appearance of women's feet. These doctors promptly banished this worry, asserting that the lack of a flawless pedicure should not trouble any patient.

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