Growing concern: How your pet cat's extra treats could trigger major health issues
While it may be challenging to decline a cat's plea for an additional treat, indulging them too often could jeopardize their health. Obesity in animals is a growing concern.
What risks do obese cats face?
Increasingly, cats are wrestling with being overweight. As with humans, this condition can have devastating outcomes.
Cats carrying excess weight are highly susceptible to a variety of ailments, including diabetes, kidney failure, kidney stones, hypertension, liver failure, and in some cases, even cancer. Digestive tract issues are also quite common for these cats.
Overweight cats aren't just sluggish, they may also struggle with mobility. Symptoms like these should raise immediate concern.
How can you tell if your cat is overweight?
Whether you own a purebred or a strayed cat, it may gain weight due to a poor diet or feeding in-between meals. In addition to observing its behavior, a close look at the pet's physical condition can help diagnose overweight issues.
It's important to check the animal's ribs. In overweight cats, the ribs may only be discernible under heavy pressure. Unfortunately, in obese felines, it may not be possible to locate them by touch alone.
If we suspect our pet has gained too much weight, we should promptly consult a vet. The vet can prescribe the right diet and ensure the animal gets the nutrients required for its proper growth. Starving the cat is absolutely not an option.
Movement and exercise could also benefit the cat. Consider going for walks or engaging the cat with its favorite toys.