NewsGiants stop advertising on X due to serious antisemitism accusations

Giants stop advertising on X due to serious antisemitism accusations

More trouble for Elon Musk
More trouble for Elon Musk
Images source: © Getty Images | Kirsty Wigglesworth
ed. KRWL

1:33 PM EST, November 18, 2023

Major corporations are halting advertising on portal X, previously known as Twitter, due to growing concerns about antisemitic content on the platform. The issue was fueled further by a controversial comment made by billionaire Elon Musk.

Globally renowned corporations, including tech and media giants such as Apple, Disney, and IBM, have suspended their advertising campaigns on X. This decision directly addresses the rising tide of antisemitism pervading the platform, according to the BBC.

Accusations of anti-Semitism on platform X amplified after its owner, Elon Musk, echoed a statement from an internet user that Jews propagate "hatred against white people," and implied that they contribute to "hordes of minorities inundating the country." The internet user justified his indifference towards hate directed at Jews by minorities by a comment made by another user who urged people asserting "Hitler was right" to announce their beliefs openly instead of hiding behind anonymity.

"You spoke the actual truth," Musk responded to the user's post. He later clarified that "not all Jewish communities" incite "racism against whites and Asians," but groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other Jewish organizations indeed do.

The BBC notes that ad boycott on platform X is accelerating, particularly after a recent investigation by an American research group. The group pinpointed ads from many esteemed companies appearing next to blatantly pro-Nazi posts on platform X.

Musk denies accusations of antisemitism

Musk adamantly rejected claims that his post was antisemitic and threatened legal action regarding the investigation into ads on his platform.

The BBC reports that Media Matters for America disclosed the placement of ads from several prestigious companies next to posts quoting Adolf Hitler, glorifying Nazis, and denial of the Holocaust.

A spokesperson for platform X ensured the BBC that they do not intentionally position brands near such offensive content. He accentuated the platform's firm opposition to antisemitism and the steps taken to combat it.

Elon Musk stated that X is poised to fire a "thermonuclear lawsuit" against Media Matters "the moment court opens on Monday." He claimed that the research group's report "falsely depicted the actual experiences of X users" to "infringe upon freedom of speech and manipulate advertisers" - as reported on the BBC portal.

White House responds to Elon Musk's controversial statements

We condemn this distasteful advocation of anti-Semitism and racist hatred. Reiterating the fallacies that fueled the most heinous act of anti-Semitism in American history is completely unacceptable - said Deputy White House Press Secretary Andrew Bates on Friday, commenting on Elon Musk's contentious post.

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