Germany alerts on rising cyber threats from Russian Group 29155

Germany warns of attacks by Russian hackers.
Germany warns of attacks by Russian hackers.
Images source: © Getty Images | H_SUTTHICHAI

7:02 AM EDT, September 9, 2024

The German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) has raised the alarm about potential threats from Group 29155, which operates under the aegis of Russian military intelligence, GRU. This unit is reportedly behind numerous cyberattacks on the territories of Europe and NATO member countries.

In a new communiqué issued in cooperation with international allies, including the FBI and the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), BfV highlights the danger posed by Group 29155. Its members' activities, including espionage operations and sabotage, aim to destabilize the international order.

According to the warning, this group's aggressive behaviors included attacks on websites and the distribution of stolen data. As a result, institutions targeted by this group should take appropriate defensive measures to prevent further damage.

The BfV's website has made available a detailed analysis of Group 29155's activities, its software, and recommendations on defense methods against future attacks.

Russia does not cease cyberattacks. Germany warns

The beginning of this year brought accusations from Germany against Russia for carrying out cyberattacks. They were directed, among others, against the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and companies from the logistics, defense, aviation, and IT sectors. Group 29155, against whom accusations are being made, was also suspected of involvement in the attempted poisoning of former GRU agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the United Kingdom in 2018.

Both the mentioned attacks and previously attributed actions of this group show the scale of the threat related to the activities of Russian military intelligence on the international stage.

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