LifestyleGeometric brain teaser stumps puzzle enthusiasts online

Geometric brain teaser stumps puzzle enthusiasts online

Mathematical puzzles can evoke a lot of emotions and provide plenty of fun. Solving logic puzzles is becoming increasingly popular on the internet. We have one such puzzle for you, where the number of figures in this picture is not obvious at all.

Mathematical puzzles are extremely popular.
Mathematical puzzles are extremely popular.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Mathematical puzzles are a popular way to develop logical thinking skills for both young people and adults who want to exercise their brains. Sometimes these puzzles are equations; other times, they're graphic challenges.

Geometric puzzle. Can you solve it?

This time, we have a puzzle with geometric figures for you. The key question of this mathematical puzzle is: how many triangles are in the picture prepared by The solution is not obvious, and several answer options exist.

a) 4

b) 7

c) 5

d) 6

The correct answer is option d, which is six. In the next picture, explains exactly how the geometric figures were counted. Only careful marking of each triangle allows you to confidently identify the correct number.

How many triangles are in the picture? (photo by
How many triangles are in the picture? (photo by©

Did you manage to guess the correct number? If so, congratulations! If not, don't worry—chin up. Practice makes perfect. Try solving other puzzles.

That's how all the triangles were counted.
That's how all the triangles were counted.©

Why do we like mathematical puzzles?

Although mathematical puzzles might seem simple at first, they often require solvers to know basic math rules. They test the ability to perform calculations and encourage creative thinking, often sparking discussions among internet users. Puzzles whose results aren't obvious at first glance are especially popular.

The interest in mathematical puzzles also stems from their positive impact on brain function. Regularly solving these tasks improves memory and concentration, enhancing learning quality and mental work. They also offer excellent entertainment and unite communities around a shared intellectual challenge.

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