EntertainmentGeneration Z struggles with traditional full-time work, sparks heated debate on TikTok

Generation Z struggles with traditional full-time work, sparks heated debate on TikTok

She complained about her full-time job. The journalist crushed her.
She complained about her full-time job. The journalist crushed her.
Images source: © Fox, TikTok

8:32 PM EST, December 17, 2023

TikTok serves as a platform for people to build careers by creating short videos, however, it's equally used as a space to share personal life experiences. As a result, many Generation Z users are using it as a discussion forum for various issues, including work.

There's a common sentiment among these users that finding a balance between professional and personal life is challenging, especially with the shrinking space to pursue personal interests. One video, in particular, has ignited a heated debate.

Generation Z representative expresses frustration with full-time work

A TikTok user going by the alias @briellebelly123 recently recorded a short video expressing her exhaustion with full-time work. She commutes daily to a larger city, leaving her home before 7:30 AM (ET) and typically not returning until around 6:15 PM (ET). These long hours leave her too exhausted to pursue other activities, and she struggles to see how others balance their personal life with such demanding schedules.

"I can't afford to live in a big city where I could walk to work. I don't have any spare time. After a lengthy day, I just want to take a bath, eat dinner, and go to bed. Cooking or working out is out of the question. I'm significantly disappointed. The full-time work system just feels so draining. I leave the office at 5 PM (ET), but my day doesn't end there" - expressed Brielle.

Conservative editor criticizes TikTok user

The video quickly went viral and caught the attention of Kaylee McGhee White, an editor at a conservative American press office. On a recent episode of "Making Money with Charles Payne," she expressed amusement at Generation Z’s work-related revelations and didn't perceive full-time employment as shocking. She offered some advice to her younger counterpart.

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"I presume she's a few years younger than me and probably at her first, or maybe second job. My advice is to work hard for what you want. After the pandemic, many young people have developed expectations of securing remote work immediately due to familiarity with virtual schooling" - Kaylee McGhee White challenged.

A Fox Business report quoted a survey on working with Generation Z. The study revealed that 75% of managers find it difficult to work with Gen Z individuals, and 49% believe that these younger workers lack the necessary motivation and communication skills for their careers.

The conservative journalist responds to the tiktoker.
The conservative journalist responds to the tiktoker.© Fox
The conservative journalist responds to the TikToker.
The conservative journalist responds to the TikToker.© Fox
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