LifestyleGaza refugee's heartfelt encounter with TikTok star Zachery goes viral

Gaza refugee's heartfelt encounter with TikTok star Zachery goes viral

Ahmed escaped with his family from the Gaza Strip.
Ahmed escaped with his family from the Gaza Strip.
Images source: © TikTok

7:14 PM EDT, July 22, 2024

Zachery Dereniowski, known for conducting social experiments, encounters many kind-hearted people with difficult life stories. Recently, he met Ahmed, who escaped from the Gaza Strip with his loved ones. Ahmed's story is profoundly moving.

Zachery published another touching video on TikTok. The internet creator became famous for his social experiments that deeply affected viewers. This latest video is no different.

In the recording, Zachery meets a man who has just arrived in Canada and left the Gaza Strip. It was his first day in Canada. The video garnered many comments from viewers.

47 days. That’s how long the journey from war-torn Gaza Strip to Canada took

In one of his latest recordings, Zachery asked a man in a store for two dollars to buy soap for children. The customer immediately agreed to help, unaware he was being filmed with a hidden camera. The man handed over five dollars and refused to take the change. He even added another two dollars for bus fare.

When Zachery asked for the man's name and origin, he learned that Ahmed had come from the Gaza Strip and had only been in Canada for one day. It took him 47 days to make the journey.

- It was very hard. The army was coming to just hunt us. And they just shoot anybody who moves, even if he's a kid. Some of our girls and women were r*ped. Very hardly. And they left to d*e. Just like that - Ahmed confessed.

Zachery then asked how Ahmed manages to not carry hatred within him.

- I don't hate. We love all the nations. Even the Israelits. We wish that peace became a part of all the world - the man explained.

Zachery learned that Ahmed and his fellow countrymen receive no support from their government. Zachery gave Ahmed the seven dollars he had received earlier and an envelope with a thousand dollars in cash.

- Maybe there is someone who is? Deserve it? More than us? - said Ahmed, visibly moved by the entire situation.

Eventually, Ahmed accepted the money, thanking Zachery for his kindness. "Beautiful people from Palestine", "That pain in his eyes when he talks about the Gaza Strip", "What a beautiful soul" are some of the comments under the video.

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