TechFruit flies prefer spinning for fun over food, study finds

Fruit flies prefer spinning for fun over food, study finds

Fruit flies, known for their love of fruits, have another passion—riding a carousel. Research by scientists in the fields of neurobiology and genetics reveals a new side to these insects.

Fruit flies love carousels.
Fruit flies love carousels.
Images source: © Getty Images

Fruit flies, or Drosophila melanogaster, are commonly known for their attraction to fruits. However, the latest research suggests these insects might also be called carousel flies. The study published in "Current Biology" by Dr. Wolf Hütteroth, Dr. Tilman Triphan, and Dr. Clara Ferreira shows that one in four fruit flies enjoys spending time on a carousel.

As "Bild" reports, scientists experimented similar to a flea circus. Two groups of 95 flies were placed in separate arenas, each 4 inches wide. Each arena had access to food, space for flying, and a mini-carousel with a diameter of about 1.5 inches. The key difference was that one carousel rotated while the other remained stationary.

The findings from the observations were unexpected. Dr. Wolf Hütteroth observed that around one-fourth of the insects spent more time on the rotating carousel than those in the control group on the stationary platform. Additionally, the flies were willing to forgo some of their eating time to engage with the carousel.

Why do fruit flies choose carousels?

The reason behind fruit flies engaging in this behavior remains uncertain. One possibility is that it provides evolutionary advantages associated with play. Dr. Hütteroth points out that passive, voluntary movement—such as that experienced on a carousel, swing, or slide—is a common feature of playgrounds and is generally perceived as enjoyable. Insects may use these motions to enhance their body awareness.

This discovery sheds new light on the behavior of fruit flies, showing that their lives are not limited solely to seeking food and reproduction. It may also offer clues for further research into animal behavior and its evolutionary benefits.

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