AutosFrosty dilemma. Why your car windows freeze from the inside and how to stop it

Frosty dilemma. Why your car windows freeze from the inside and how to stop it

There's nothing unusual about windows freezing from the inside. This natural occurrence happens when we utilize our cars during severe frosty conditions. Moisture which builds up in the cabin during the trip is the primary cause of this occurrence. This moisture could also enter the cabin from the snow that passengers bring in on their shoes.

Scraping windows from the inside can be bothersome.
Scraping windows from the inside can be bothersome.
Images source: © Autokult | Marcin Łobodziński

Upon parking and exiting the vehicle, its interior is warm and humid, allowing residual moisture to settle on the windows. Temperature drops exacerbate this process. One might need to use the heating system for prolonged defrosting the following day or scrape the ice off with a scraper. The latter is particularly difficult, especially for the front windshield, due to its inward curvature and the rigid structure of the scraper. Although it is a possible solution, it's time-consuming and laborious.

Applying a chemical defroster might seem like a solution, but it's not always the best choice. Besides waiting for it to take effect, the defroster often runs down the windshield onto the dashboard. Also, these defrosters often emit an unpleasant odor, leaving you with either ventilation duty or dealing with the scent.

For robust and determined people, a dry microfiber cloth can be helpful, but it would not suit everyone's conditions. Conversely, a cloth moistened with warm water may remove the frost, but ice residue will likely remain on the windshield, limiting visibility.

A pretty handy tool is a card. However, it's advised not to use essential items such as credit cards or personal identity documents as they can break easily. A suitable option could be any free points card from a gas station that you wouldn't mind damaging.

Due to their flexible structure, these cards can fit the windshield's shape, efficiently removing frost and ice. However, they don't work entirely as well on the exterior, where the ice layer is often thick and the card might seem too gentle.

How can you prevent the windows from freezing inside?

The most effective way to prevent frost from settling inside your windows is to rid the moisture before it settles on the glass. If your car's air conditioning is functioning well, the ventilation system is efficient, and the cabin filter is clean, you're less likely to encounter this issue.

Experienced drivers often employ a simple method: opening all the doors briefly to allow cold air circulation after each drive. The moisture collected inside the cabin is frozen quickly, or the low temperatures dry the car. While this might cause temporary discomfort and require some effort, it saves you from extra work the next day.

This frost issue inside the car is infrequently observed among people traveling in fully occupied cars, like families. As more people exit the vehicle through their respective doors after a trip, it naturally ventilates the interior. Additionally, opening the trunk also aids in air circulation. These simple acts are enough to eliminate interior moisture, preventing frost from settling on the inside of windows.

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