FoodFrom lemons to lettuce: Unlocking grilling's unlikely heroes

From lemons to lettuce: Unlocking grilling's unlikely heroes

Grilled fruits
Grilled fruits
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Zbigniew Lewczak

7:17 PM EDT, May 4, 2024

Poles have a strong affinity for grilling, often opting for traditional favorites such as sausages, blood sausages, pork neck, and occasionally mushrooms or bell peppers. Nonetheless, the grill welcomes a far broader array of delicacies. Let's explore some unique options.

Lemon and Lime

Fruits known for their sourness and rich nutritional content, especially vitamin C, are not the usual grilling candidates. However, lemon and lime can withstand the grill's heat, adopting an extraordinary flavor in the process.

Preparing them is straightforward: slice the fruits and grill them for a few minutes. This method enhances their flavor with a smoky aroma, making them a fantastic addition to lemonades or drinks, such as the Cuban mojito. To make one, place 4-5 grilled lime wedges and a handful of mint leaves in a glass, muddle well, add two teaspoons of brown sugar, fill the glass halfway with crushed ice, add 2 ounces of white rum, mix it again, and top it off with sparkling water.


Olives, the delightful fruits of the olive tree, can also grace your grill. This simple act transforms them into both an exquisite cocktail snack and a flavorful complement to salads or ordinary sandwiches.

For best results, skewer the olives on a kebab stick, grilling them evenly on all sides.


While it might sound odd to some, watermelon takes well to grilling.

First, cut the fruit into slices and coat with honey for a sweet twist, or olive oil and a choice of seasonings like salt, curry, herbal pepper, or chili powder for a savory version. A sprinkle of lemon juice adds an extra zing.


Avocado, a versatile fruit cherished for its taste and nutritional benefits, is excellent for grilling.

Just halve the avocado, remove the pit, brush the flesh with olive oil and lemon juice, and grill it, flesh side down. It’s a perfect foundation for salads or the iconic guacamole.


Poland, a leading beetroot producer in the European Union, has long embraced this vegetable's culinary potential. Grilling brings out its natural sweetness.

Slice the beetroots and grill them to create a tasty base for salads, such as one with spinach, goat cheese, and walnuts.

Roman Lettuce

This ancient lettuce variety, esteemed since the times of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, is not just a nutritious option but also grill-friendly.

Simply drizzle Roman lettuce leaves with olive oil, grill them briefly until slightly browned, and serve with chopped almonds, grated Parmesan, and a dressing of olive oil, wine vinegar, mustard, and honey.


Cauliflower's mild taste makes it an adaptable ingredient, including for grilling.

Marinate cauliflower slices in a mixture of olive oil, maple syrup, soy sauce, and paprika for an hour. Grill for roughly 10 minutes on each side to enjoy.