LifestyleFrom Eurovision stardom to activism: Conchita Wurst's transformative journey and unrecognizable new look

From Eurovision stardom to activism: Conchita Wurst's transformative journey and unrecognizable new look

Even if you're not a fan of Eurovision, most people remember the performance of Conchita Wurst, otherwise referred to as the "bearded lady". Exactly nine years back, Thomas Neuwirth, who had newfound fame as Conchita Wurst, was the talk of the town. Neuwirth stepped on the stage with a powerful voice, but his attention-grabbing image was the show stealer. He was eye-catching with long black hair, a dark beard, and makeup. Fast forward to today, and he looks like a completely different person.

Conchita Wurst is unrecognizable today.
Conchita Wurst is unrecognizable today.
Images source: © Getty Images | Thomas Niedermueller

Conchita Wurst's current appearance

Even though the stage name and makeup are still intact, it would be challenging to spot Conchita Wurst on the street today. The singer often updates his fans via Instagram, where he has over 400,000 followers. As it stands, Wurst continues with his career despite the years, a career that transcends music to activism.

Today, Conchita Wurst is unrecognizable

In 2014, "Conchita Wurst" was one of the most searched phrases on Google. Thomas Neuwirth has since been involved in various activist activities, including advocating for people with HIV, a condition he revealed he has via social media in 2018. In addition to this, he has even ventured into a modeling career, posing for the late Karl Lagerfeld, a designer for the Chanel brand.

It's noteworthy that Conchita Wurst only uses the female gender pronouns when performing on stage. In private, he uses masculine pronouns and, contrary to speculation, he is not a transgender woman. His image has sparked interest and controversy. This includes some politicians who openly criticized his "feminine" appearance.

Conchita responded to their criticism. For him, it was the "biggest compliment".

- To me, it's the biggest compliment when high-ranking politicians use my name to express their anger. (...) My ideal world would be one where we don't need to discuss our sexuality, where we're from, or what we believe in. Are these the worst things, according to politicians? - he said during one of his interviews after his Eurovision victory.

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