LifestyleFrom engagement rings to forehead tattoos: TikToker's love declaration

From engagement rings to forehead tattoos: TikToker's love declaration

The TikToker tattooed her lover's name on herself.
The TikToker tattooed her lover's name on herself.
Images source: © Instagram, TikTok
Ignacy Węgrzyn

6:22 AM EST, November 7, 2023

Famous TikToker showcases her unconventional declaration of love by tattooing her boyfriend's name on her forehead. Internet users are finding it hard to believe.

From status updates on Facebook to engagement rings, people are known to go to lengths to express their love. However, modern lovers are increasingly getting their partner's name tattooed as a symbol of their longing and commitment.

TikToker Ana Stanskovsky has put this idea into practice. She was so confident in her feelings for her boyfriend, Kevin, that she marked his name forever as an indelible stamp on... her forehead!

TikToker gets boyfriend's name tattooed on her forehead: internet users react with disbelief

She flaunted the finished work of her tattoo artist proudly on social media, which left internet users in complete surprise. While the TikToker appeared ecstatic about her expression of love, the internet did not share her joy. A multitude of harsh comments from irked users soon populated Ana's social media channels.

Many skeptics are also questioning the authenticity of the tattoo, speculating that it's merely a ploy for more views and followers. The influencer insists that the tattoo is genuine, but internet users remain doubtful over her drastic decision.

"You have such a pretty face... why... you're going to regret this!!! The tattoo artist shouldn't have done this; I would never do this on my face; 100% this isn't true; love doesn't need to be proven..." - these are among the various reactions seen in the comments section.

What do you think? Will her boyfriend appreciate this grand gesture?

Ana Stanskovsky
Ana Stanskovsky© Instagram
Ana Stanskovsky
Ana Stanskovsky© TikTok
Ana Stanskovsky
Ana Stanskovsky© Instagram
Ana Stanskovsky
Ana Stanskovsky© TikTok
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