TechFrom a Ferrari to free: World's priciest game on Steam finally available at no cost

From a Ferrari to free: World's priciest game on Steam finally available at no cost

Steam - a game for 2 million now for free
Steam - a game for 2 million now for free
Images source: © Polygamia

4:01 PM EST, January 23, 2024

The game in question is Megajump, which is available on Steam. Until recently, it had a whopping price tag of $500,000, and stayed that way for nearly three years. Only recently did the game's creator make it available for free. It appears that no one dared to purchase it at the total price, perhaps for the best.

Megajump was seemingly designed to entice streamers and cause a stir. Digital creators were reportedly urged by Laptop Games to try the game, just to boast about playing a half-million-dollar game. As the name implies, Megajump is all about leaping higher and higher, progressing through levels, presenting a considerable challenge. Among the tags on Steam, one is even marked "Difficult".

A $500,000 Steam game? The creator insists it was just a joke

The game's creator, Laptop Games, maintains that the sky-high game price was merely a joke. Until now, such a ludicrous price had been unseen on Steam. The creator managed to find a loophole in the system for changing game prices and chose to exploit it, intending it as a prank. But things quickly took a serious turn.

Accusations of money laundering were aimed at the creator. Netizens are known to respond in such a manner to games costing only a few thousand dollars, let alone half a million. For the sake of peace, Laptop Games has now made the game freely available. The whole incident was admittedly stressful for the creator.

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