Tips&TricksFreshen up your mattress at home: Simple spray to erase even the toughest stains

Freshen up your mattress at home: Simple spray to erase even the toughest stains

A fresh and clean mattress is a must. Despite being covered with a sheet, it becomes a magnet for dirt, dust, and dead skin cells. Over time, the fabric starts to yellow and unappealing stains develop. It indicates it's time to roll up your sleeves and clean the mattress.

Home mattress spray.
Home mattress spray.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Nick Alias

How to cleanse it off impurities? Employing a steam cleaner is a perfect way; as it not only eradicates stains but also infiltrates the deep layers of the mattress wiping off all bacteria. Regrettably, not everyone possesses such appliances at home. So, here's a formula for a homemade mattress spray that eradicates every stain from the fabric surface. You likely have all the requisite ingredients already.

How to prevent stains on the mattress?

We spend almost one-third of our lives in bed—if our daily sleep quota is at least eight hours. Hence, it's one of the most used places in any house. Therefore, the appearance of stains over time is inevitable. Furthermore, dust, dirt, dead skin cells, cosmetics, and bodily fluids can penetrate through the sheet to accumulate on the surface.

So how can you shield the mattress from such blemishes? Consider investing in a specific cover. They're available in any mattress store, and also in most furniture shops. Most of these covers come with a layer that guards against leaks—useful when you have small children or elderly people at home.

Homemade mattress spray: Make stains vanish in no time

If unattractive stains have already made their marks on your mattress, it's time to make a homemade stain remover. With just three main ingredients—baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and optionally a few drops of your favored essential oil for a pleasant flagrance— your mattress will be spotless.

In a spray bottle, combine half a cup of hydrogen peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, two tablespoons of dish soap, and about a dozen drops of essential oil. Stir it up well and then spritz on the stains. Allow it to sit on the surface for around 15 minutes, after which, you can wipe off the residue using a clean, moistened cloth. The stains should be fully erased.

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