LifestyleFour symptoms of throat cancer. Very characteristic

Four symptoms of throat cancer. Very characteristic

Continuous hoarseness may warn of cancer.
Continuous hoarseness may warn of cancer.
Images source: © Licensor | Brothers91

7:01 AM EDT, October 25, 2023

Initially, throat cancer can give subtle symptoms, which are easy to attribute to less serious diseases. Throat cancer occurs due to the body's uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells within one of the three parts of the throat: the nasopharynx, the middle throat, or the lower throat.

4 disturbing symptoms that may indicate throat cancer

Difficulty in swallowing

Difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia, is a symptom that can indicate many different diseases, including throat cancer. Tumorous changes can physically block the esophagus or cause its narrowing, which hinders the movement of food.

Furthermore, cancer can affect the nerves controlling the muscles responsible for swallowing, leading to the weakening or inability of these muscles to function properly.

Hoarseness and Cough

Sudden and persistent changes in voice, such as hoarseness, may indicate the presence of a tumor in the vicinity of the vocal cords. Coughing, especially if it lasts longer than three weeks and is not associated with an infection, should also raise concern. Coughing up blood is another symptom that requires immediate medical consultation.


Discomfort in the throat can lead to difficulty breathing and ear pain that is not associated with an infection.

Risk factors and prevention

There are certain risk factors that can increase the likelihood of getting sick. These include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, HPV virus infection, and exposure to asbestos, nickel, and sulfuric acid fumes. Another long-term risk factor for throat cancer is gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Avoiding these factors and leading a healthy lifestyle may reduce the risk of getting sick.

Throat cancer is a serious disease, but early detection and treatment can significantly improve the prognosis for the patient. That's why it's so important to regularly observe your body and respond to any alarming symptoms. If you notice any of the listed symptoms, immediately consult with a doctor. Early intervention can save lives.

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