Former hotel manager exposes hidden dangers in your hotel room
Melissa Hanks, a former hotel director, reveals the secrets of her industry and shares valuable advice with netizens on her TikTok profile (@melly_creations). One of her videos gained significant popularity—it addressed items in hotel rooms that we should avoid using.
Melissa Hanks has extensive experience in hotel management, making her acutely aware of the industry's realities. In one of her videos on social media, she emphasized which two items guests should not use.
Do not use these in hotels
Although hotel rooms often appear impeccably clean, the reality can differ. Employees often have very little time to thoroughly clean the rooms. Sometimes, only the beds are made, and the floor and bathroom are cleaned. As for windows and small items like glasses, it's hit or miss—they may be just rinsed, not thoroughly washed.
Hanks explains that when she stays in hotels, she never uses the glasses and ice bucket. Why? She elaborates on this in her video.
Hotel manager reveals the truth
Hanks mentions in the recording that the hotel she's currently staying in provides cups wrapped in plastic bags, which she finds acceptable. However, she also points out that some places offer regular, unwrapped glasses, which she would never use without washing them thoroughly first.
Hanks then addresses the second concerning item: Ice buckets. She notes that she avoids using them entirely, even after cleaning, due to their misuse by guests in ways she prefers not to imagine. She recalls an instance where she had to clean vomit from one. If she needs ice in her room, she opts for disposable cups or bags instead.
Melissa's video has been viewed over 700,000 times, and netizens in the comments agree with her advice. "As a former hotel employee, I confirm. In ice buckets, I found urine, vomit, cigarette ash, and dog food," writes one of them. Another user warns against ice in general. "I worked in a big hotel for 10 years and our ice machine was never cleaned," admits another.