NewsFarmers in Brandenburg gear up for protest against diesel cuts at Berlin party headquarters

Farmers in Brandenburg gear up for protest against diesel cuts at Berlin party headquarters

The farmers intend to journey to the capital using several routes with their tractors. They aim to visit the federal offices of the Greens, FDP, and SPD one by one, between 5 AM and 7 AM Eastern Time, as announced by the state farmers' association.

The government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz has already backed out of the originally planned abolition of the tax relief on diesel oil for agriculture.
The government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz has already backed out of the originally planned abolition of the tax relief on diesel oil for agriculture.
Images source: © Getty Images | Maryam Majd

The farmers wish to present a protest note against government austerity measures.

From January 8 to 15, farmers voiced their opposition to these cuts with week-long protests.

Road blockades and protests were organized nationwide. The most significant demonstration occurred in Berlin on the last day of the protests.

The governing coalition of SPD, Greens, and FDP has already reconsidered the intended total elimination of the tax relief on diesel fuel for agriculture. It envisages a gradual phase-out of the relief over the next three years. Farmers argue that the modifications enacted so far are not adequate.

With protests also occurring in other EU nations like France, Poland, and Romania, farmers refer to a "spring of nations."

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