NewsFailed rebellions and rising unrest. Russia's mercenary problem persists as Redoute struggles

Failed rebellions and rising unrest. Russia's mercenary problem persists as Redoute struggles

Will there be a repeat of the Wagner Group? The Russians have a problem with the PMC "Redut" unit.
Will there be a repeat of the Wagner Group? The Russians have a problem with the PMC "Redut" unit.
Images source: © Telegram

9:23 AM EST, January 8, 2024

The Wagner Group and its leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, have been a challenging adversary for Ukrainians on the battlefield. However, they backed down at a crucial moment. Following the oligarch's declarations, they rebelled against the Russian army's command and marched on Moscow. Although the Wagner coup was thwarted, Russia once again grapples with mercenary problems.

The private military company "Redoute" has stepped in to substitute the marginalized Wagner group, borrowing much from their organization and operational principles and the issues they faced on the battlefield. The militants lament dwindling ammunition supplies, fuel, and lubricants for their vehicles, all while the authorities remain silent.

A journey towards rebellion and internal conflict is far off, but Russians do not learn from past errors.

According to President Vladimir Putin, the failed march on Moscow and the rebellion led by Yevgeny Prigozhin symbolized the end of the Wagner group. The group's leaders perished in a plane crash in August; the squad continues to struggle on the fringes of the Russian army. A new group of private mercenaries has taken the reins.

Notably, it is the private military firm "Redoute" which owes its inception to the initiative of GRU Deputy Chief General Vladimir Alexeyev. He is the same person who negotiated the cessation of operations in Russia with the Wagner group and deemed their march to the capital a rebellion. He labeled it "a military coup" last summer.

Now, General Alexeyev grapples with the same problem that Yevgeny Prigozhin faced for an extended period.

The "Redoute" PMC is encountering the same issues that plagued the Wagner Group in the spring. Yevgeny Prigozhin had voiced concerns about a lack of ammunition and fuel for their military vehicles before the unsuccessful coup. The mercenaries are struggling.

Prigozhin petitioned the defense ministry generals for months, pleading for ammunition and fuel supplies. He presented the bodies of his soldiers and criticized General Sergei Shoigu.

Is Russia again at risk of an uprising and potential rebellion from another mercenary unit? "Redoute" is commanded by Major Konstantin Mirzyants, former deputy commander of the 45th Special Operations Brigade in Kubinka, where the primary base of mercenaries is located, according to the Polish Institute of International Affairs. However, General Vladimir Alexeyev provides oversight.

He has shown loyalty to the authorities in Moscow and is likely not to tolerate a rebellion within his ranks.

These assumptions proved unfounded a year ago in Yevgeny Prigozhin's case. The oligarch, considered a close ally of Vladimir Putin, had the president's ear more often than his generals. Notably, many former Wagner members within the "Redoute" PMC ranks are veterans of battlefields in Africa, the Middle East, and Ukraine.

Interestingly, Redoute mercenaries played a pivotal role in the early stages of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, fighting in the Kyiv and Kharkiv regions. They were tasked with assassinating President Volodymyr Zelensky. It is the largest private company engaged in the Ukrainian conflict, another entity financed by the government.

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