LifestyleExpert warns: Aluminum foil could lead to food poisoning

Expert warns: Aluminum foil could lead to food poisoning

Aluminum foil is a common fixture in our kitchens for a good reason. We use it to wrap sandwiches for school or work and to cover various dishes. But is it really worth using for these purposes? An expert has shed light on the matter.

Doctor warns against aluminum foil
Doctor warns against aluminum foil
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Aluminum foil has innumerable applications. It’s most often used for storing or cooking food, but that's not all. It turns out that how we use it can have a significant impact on our health.

Expert warns against using aluminum foil

Aluminium foil has been part of our daily lives for years. We wrap sandwiches, cakes, and even leftovers with it. Its pliability makes it easy to fit around almost any dish. However, this is a major mistake.

In an interview with the British magazine Southern Living, Dr Zachary Cartwright, a food expert, revealed that using aluminium foil to protect food can lead to food poisoning. This occurs because it doesn’t offer complete protection from oxygen contact. Improper storage can, in turn, encourage the growth of various bacteria.

How to properly store food?

Experts argue that proper food storage not only benefits our health but also our wallets. The best way to store food is in hermetically sealed containers.

First, they are reusable, so we don't have to worry about whether we have foil at home, and second, they effectively protect food from oxygen exposure, thus extending its shelf life.

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