HealthExcess of vitamin A could ramp up your risk of laryngeal cancer, scientists warn

Excess of vitamin A could ramp up your risk of laryngeal cancer, scientists warn

Many people may ignore the first symptom of laryngeal cancer.
Many people may ignore the first symptom of laryngeal cancer.
Images source: © Licensor | Tomaz Levstek

8:18 AM EST, January 3, 2024

The typical early warning sign of laryngeal cancer is hoarseness. Generally, this symptom is not alarming if it accompanies symptoms of an infection or is caused by overuse of the voice.

However, if the hoarseness persists after a cold has cleared, environmental factors causing hoarseness have been eliminated, and standard treatments have been implemented, then a medical consultation might be in order. Particularly if the hoarseness lasts for over two weeks, it is advisable to consult an otolaryngologist.

Advanced symptoms

In the later stages of laryngeal cancer, additional symptoms may include:

- Trouble swallowing (dysphagia)

- Ear pain, particularly when swallowing

- Shortness of breath due to blocked airways

- Pain in the larynx, particularly worse during meals

- Persistent cough

- Unpleasant breath

- Laryngeal noise resulting from the narrowing of the airways

- Sensation of a foreign body in the throat

Risk factors

One of the most significant factors increasing the risk of laryngeal cancer is smoking tobacco. Statistics indicate that smokers are 30 times more likely to develop this cancer type than non-smokers.

Another factor that can contribute to the development of laryngeal cancer is the regular consumption of high-alcohol beverages.

Excessive supplementation of certain vitamins, especially when done through synthetic dietary supplements, is also known to possibly increase cancer risks.

"The trigger" for laryngeal cancer could be vitamin A, a crucial component of many bodily processes, including cell growth, vision function, and immune response. It is found in a variety of foods like liver, fish, dairy products, and fruits and vegetables (as provitamin A - carotenoids).

While essential for our health, excessive intake can lead to toxicity.

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