NewsEveryone saw what she was doing to Ukrainians. Here's what happened to her in Russia

Everyone saw what she was doing to Ukrainians. Here's what happened to her in Russia

Julia Prochorowa moved to Germany some time ago. After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, she insulted and harassed war refugees. When she was deported to Russia, she quickly changed her mind about her homeland. Now she wants to flee because she cannot reconcile with how life is in Putin's country. She would prefer to live in the USA, but she can only dream about it.

Julia Prochorowa from Russia was very proud, until she had to return to it.
Julia Prochorowa from Russia was very proud, until she had to return to it.
Images source: © Telegram

Some may view Russia as a land flowing with milk and honey until they experience living there. These conclusions can be inferred from observing the events of Julia Prokhorova, who a year ago worked and lived in Germany, and could now be enjoying her stay in her homeland. But she is not enjoying it, because "it is not a place to live".

She returned to the country of her own accord, after what she did while living in Berlin and Munich. Julia was very pleased with the aggression against Ukraine, she began recording videos supporting the Russians and insulting Ukrainians. She did it with great fervor until the authorities took an interest in her.

After a year, she is devastated and wants to flee from Russia. Something must have gone wrong...

Julia Prochorowa from Russia was very proud, until she had to return there and move to Samara, where she is originally from. She praised her homeland profusely after the attack on Ukraine, and on the streets of Germany she attacked Ukrainian refugees and maliciously inquired about the ownership of the city of Kherson, which was then in Russian hands. She also became famous for a dance she performed on May 9th.

In Munich, she stood in front of a crowd of Ukrainians and danced the "Kalinka" with a Russian flag. She taunted her "enemies", showed a bit of the Russian soul, and perhaps even felt superior to the people who had fled the country because of the war provoked by the Russians. The problem is, Julia may have permanently forgotten herself.

After all, she lived in Germany, or the "decayed West". And not in her native country.

Her online performances and attacks on Ukrainians caught the attention of the police and German services. In the fall of 2022, she was arrested and deported.

It quickly became apparent that she did not make the expected career in the West, worked in a Russian store and earned on the side. How? By offering intimate services, as revealed by "Bilda" journalists. It also turns out that she had debts and borrowed money from companies offering microloans. What's worse, she was in Germany illegally.

However, returning to Russia did not prove to be a success. What a waste. After spending over a year in her homeland, Julia is furious. She was ordered to work in a factory. The realities of life deviate from what she imagined. She even stated that "anyone who wants to live normally, leaves Russia". And they head to the West or the USA.

The problem is that Julia is not leaving anymore. She won't dance to "Kalinka" or sing the hateful song addressed to Ukrainians. All left for her is making movies in Russia and slinging insults, which there seem to be more of in her most recent recordings. 1.5 years spent in the country have done their bit.

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