Tips&TricksEradicate your fridge's unpleasant smell overnight using only a toilet roll and baking soda

Eradicate your fridge's unpleasant smell overnight using only a toilet roll and baking soda

Unpleasant smells typically appear when you open the fridge door. Common culprits are spoiled and expired food items. If not stored in sealed containers, deli meats and fish can also emit strong odors. Regular fridge maintenance and cleaning will help reduce nasty smells. Additionally, remember that tomatoes, zucchini, and fresh cucumbers should not be stored in cold temperatures as they may spoil more quickly.

how to get rid of the bad smell from the refrigerator phot.
how to get rid of the bad smell from the refrigerator phot.

Eliminating persistent fridge odors

The solution for persistent fridge odor is straightforward, and you can complete the task overnight. Initially, grab a roll of toilet paper. It may appear unusual, but unconventional ideas are often the most effective. Next, pour warm water into a bowl and add a bit of baking soda. Fully immerse the toilet roll in this mixture, ensuring it absorbs the water and baking soda solution. Leave the wet roll in the fridge overnight. Baking soda is excellent at capturing odors. By morning, the toilet paper will have effectively absorbed the unpleasant smell.

Other methods to monitor fridge odors

Numerous other simple home remedies can effectively control unplesant fridge smells.

how to get rid of the bad smell in the refrigerator, photo. Unsplash
how to get rid of the bad smell in the refrigerator, photo. Unsplash
  • Cut a lemon in half and place it in the fridge. The citrus will absorb the unwanted odors and impart a fresh aroma. Alternatively, you can use a lime, orange, or grapefruit instead of a lemon.
  • A raw potato cut in half or a used bag of black tea will also absorb unwanted smells. However, please replace these items regularly as they spoil fairly quickly.
  • Coffee is another excellent odor absorber. Simply sprinkle it on a saucer and place it in the fridge.
  • Crushed activated charcoal tablets can also effectively reduce unwanted smells. Place them in a dish inside the fridge.
  • Cloves or cinnamon sticks work well as absorbing unpleasant odors, too.
how to get rid of the bad smell from the refrigerator, photo. Unsplash
how to get rid of the bad smell from the refrigerator, photo. Unsplash

Place two bay leaves with bulk products to deter persistent moths for an added benefit.

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