TechEpic Games Store launches holiday giveaway with fewer chances for freebies, starting with 'Destiny 2: Legacy Collection'

Epic Games Store launches holiday giveaway with fewer chances for freebies, starting with 'Destiny 2: Legacy Collection'

The Epic Games Store regularly releases free games every Thursday, but during the holiday season, things take a different turn, thanks to their holiday giveaway. Just to remind you, we received several free games last year, amongst which was the much-loved Death Stranding.

Epic Games Store
Epic Games Store
Images source: © Epic Games

So, do we get another high-end game for free this year? It's plausible, but "along the way," there will likely be numerous lesser-known productions that are still worth adding to our collection. The catch is that there seem to be fewer opportunities to snag free games this year.

'Destiny 2: Legacy Collection' now free on Epic Games Store

You can now play Destiny 2 for free, which is sure to be made even more exciting with the 'Destiny 2: Legacy Collection' pack. This is the first gift from the Epic Games Store. However, if you're wondering what freebie is up for grabs tomorrow, December 14, you might be in for a letdown.

The Epic Games Store has announced that the next free game will only appear in a week. Does this suggest fewer but higher-quality gifts this year? Only time will tell.

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