Eisenberg and Keough are unrecognizable in the prehistoric "Sasquatch Sunset" trailer
David Zellner and Nathan Zellner, significant figures in independent cinema in the US, have churned out another fascinating piece. This time around, they transport viewers to prehistoric times, where life primarily revolves around survival and reproduction, as vividly depicted in the trailer for "Sasquatch Sunset". Two small creatures are observed engaging in procreation, while two others watch their efforts in seemingly baffled...
From the trailer, it's difficult to deduce the overall tone of the film. According to the provided description, we gather that it's set in the foggy forests of North America, telling the tale of a sasquatch family, potentially the last of their kind. The story revolves around their epic, hilarious, and ultimate journey navigating a constantly evolving world for their survival.
Many movie enthusiasts will certainly recall Jean-Jacques Annaud's compelling film "Quest for Fire" from 1981. The big question is: Will "Sasquatch Sunset" draw similar reactions? The trailer has already incited considerable interest, with viewers commenting, "It looks original! I can't wait".
Hollywood stars as tiny creatures
Jesse Eisenberg and Riley Keough take on the lead roles in "Sasquatch Sunset". Despite his Hollywood acclaim with roles in "The Social Network" and "Now You See Me", Eisenberg is a prominent supporter of independent cinema. He directed a film in Poland ("The Real Pain") recently, which garnered high praise. Likewise, Riley Keough, a TV star who directed the drama "War Pony" last year, received a Golden Camera at the Cannes Festival in 2022 for Best Newcomer.
Sasquatch Sunset | Official Trailer
"Sasquatch Sunset" debuted at the independent cinema festival in Sundance. It found a distributor there who will roll it out for wide release in the States in April.