Editor-in-chief of "Evening News" faces lawsuit over telegram post
The newspaper's editor-in-chief, "Evening News," has been accused of "disrespect for the authorities" over a Telegram post. The newspaper does not rule out that the claims against Postnikov may be related to material in the publication concerning abuses by police officers. What kind of punishment might he face?
As emphasized by the independent portal Meduza, a lawsuit has been filed in Yekaterinburg against Vladislav Postnikov, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Evening News," based on part 3 of article 20 paragraph 1 of the Administrative Code regarding "disrespect for the authorities."
The reason was one of the posts on Postnikov's Telegram channel. Police representatives provided this information in a telephone conversation without giving details. Postnikov and his lawyer have not yet reviewed the materials.
They called in the evening on the occasion of Russia Day. Supposedly so I wouldn't forget which country I live in. Although, I must note, I have no complaints about this country. But the state, represented by its individual representatives, is clearly not doing what it should - Postnikov commented on the police summons on Telegram.
The newspaper does not rule out that the claims against Postnikov may be related to material in the publication concerning abuses by police officers.
Censorship in Russia. What punishment awaits the editor?
Part 3 of article 20 paragraph 1 of the Administrative Violations Code provides for a fine of between 30,000 and 100,000 rubles (approximately $345 to $1,150). The newspaper emphasizes that a fundraiser will have to be organized to pay the fine.