Earning from "Titanic": Actor still cashes in after 26 years

He played in Titanic as a child. He revealed how much he earns.
He played in Titanic as a child. He revealed how much he earns.
Images source: © Facebook, Youtube

9:11 AM EDT, July 31, 2024

"Titanic" is undoubtedly one of the most popular films in the world. Over more than 26 years, it has helped launch many big and small acting careers, as exemplified by Reece Thompson's story. He recently shared how much he earns from the production.

Some films have achieved cult classic status, including "The Godfather," "The Matrix," and "Titanic." Despite many years since their premieres, they still enjoy immense popularity, reflected in the successive generations that continue to watch them eagerly.

It’s no wonder that for many of the actors involved, these films represented a significant breakthrough in their careers. However, popularity is not everything. The films mentioned above are among the most profitable movies in history, meaning the actors continue earning money from them.

This is the case with Reece Thompson, who appeared in "Titanic" at the age of 5. Although his role was small, and many may not even remember it, the 31-year-old actor recently revealed that he still receives royalties because of his part in the Oscar-winning hit.

He acted in Titanic and after 26 years, still makes money from it

'It's weird because it's not present in my mind anymore. It's not like, "Oh, when am I going to get a new Titanic check?" When it happens, it's like, "Oh, cool, an extra $100." There have been a couple of times where it's been like: "Oh, wow, that's a $250 check." [...] But hopefully, they keep playing it a lot, because that means more money for me, he said in a 2018 interview with Business Insider, Reece Thompson.

More than 26 years after the film's premiere, the actor still earns money despite having only a few seconds of screen time. Interestingly, it was his mother who convinced him to take the role in "Titanic," assuring him that "even if the movie is terrible, we'll watch it." Instead, "Titanic" became one of the world's best and most profitable films, ensuring Thompson a steady income stream.

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