LifestyleDraconids meteor shower peaks: When to catch the celestial show

Draconids meteor shower peaks: When to catch the celestial show

Many dream of watching such a spectacle (illustrative photo).
Many dream of watching such a spectacle (illustrative photo).
Images source: © Adobe Stock

4:32 PM EDT, October 7, 2024

We are about to experience a unique night during which the sky will host a spectacle of falling meteors known as the Draconids. When can we expect it?

What happens in the sky never ceases to fascinate us. On Tuesday and Wednesday, October 8 and 9, it's worth looking up at night, as the peak of the meteor shower known as the Draconids will be visible.

A beautiful night awaits us

Though experts warn that, unfortunately, it won't be one of the best meteor showers this year, it's still worth observing the sky.

The Draconids are active in the sky between October 6 and 10, but their peak activity will occur on the 8th and 9th of the month. Observing them should be easier due to the moon's phase, which is only approaching the first quarter. The falling stars should be quite visible if the clouds don't cover the sky.

The Draconids are remnants of the Giacobini-Zinner comet and can be observed annually at the beginning of October. They were particularly notable on the night of October 9 to 10 in 1933 and 1946, when lucky viewers could see even hundreds of meteors per minute. Unfortunately, the meteor shower we will see in the coming days will not be as intense. At the shower's peak, approximately 10 bright streaks may appear per hour.

What to do to best see the falling stars?

To fully admire the night spectacle, it's best to go where it's darkest, meaning areas far from large cities. No special equipment, such as a telescope or binoculars, is needed. Experts suggest a blanket or comfortable chair. Observation requires patience, and those who have the most of it will be rewarded with a beautiful view.
