Discover the secret button to stop your wash in emergencies
We start the washing machine and suddenly remember that something valuable was left in a pocket. Can the program be stopped? It turns out that some washing machines have a hidden feature that allows this.
Before starting the laundry, it's important to thoroughly check the pockets of clothes. There might be a phone or wallet in them. Used tissues can also be problematic, as they disintegrate during washing and stick to clothing. Once the machine is running, it theoretically cannot be stopped.
How to stop the washing machine during a wash?
Washing machine manufacturers often provide a feature that allows you to open the device after the program has started. This refers to the "STOP" button, which pauses the program. But what if, due to a malfunction, you cannot open the washing machine door, or your machine does not allow pausing the program?
Hidden button to stop the wash
There is a hidden button that can help in such cases. Not all washing machine models are equipped with this feature, so it's worth checking if your machine has it.
TikTok user @jeeves_ny demonstrated on his channel how to abruptly end a wash cycle. Simply insert a flat object, like a non-sharp knife or a flat screwdriver, into the slot next to the washing machine's filter and move the special latch to the left. This will immediately end the wash and unlock the door.
Use only when necessary
Although this method works, it is not intended for frequent use. It should be used only in emergency situations when it is necessary to interrupt the cycle.
This technique can be useful during a power outage if you need to remove the laundry. It's advisable to lay out towels before opening the washing machine, as water that hasn't been pumped out may spill onto the floor.