FoodDiscover the hidden dangers of common food pairings you thought were safe

Discover the hidden dangers of common food pairings you thought were safe

Dr. Bartek Kulczyński warns against these connections
Dr. Bartek Kulczyński warns against these connections
Images source: © Canva: LuckyLife11, YouTube: dr Bartek Kulczyński (screenshot)

1:17 PM EDT, May 25, 2024

We have become accustomed to frequent warnings about combining cucumber with tomato or tea with lemon. However, these pairings are not as dangerous as we usually perceive them to be, and the truly alarming ones are mentioned far too rarely. Dr. Bartek Kulczyński has created a small compendium of knowledge on this subject.

Dr. Bartek Kulczyński, a dietitian, publishes materials on YouTube explaining how our consumption affects our health. In one of his recently released videos, he suggested which products and ingredients should not be combined, backing it all up with knowledge from professional literature.

What products and ingredients should not be combined in a diet?

Tea + iron-rich products - Dr. Kulczyński explains that tea is rich in tannins, which interfere with iron absorption from food products. He adds that if we do not suffer from iron deficiencies, avoiding this combination is unnecessary. However, it is recommended to drink tea between meals rather than with meals for people suffering from anemia. Moreover, dietary supplements containing green tea extract and iron supplements should not be taken simultaneously.

Iron + calcium—As we learn from Dr. Kulczyński's material, calcium hinders the absorption of iron. For people suffering from iron deficiency, it is recommended not to combine calcium-rich products, such as dairy products, with iron-rich products like meat, fish, and legumes. Dr. Kulczyński recommends a three-hour break between calcium-rich products and iron-rich food.

Horsetail + vitamin B1 - horsetail contains a thiaminase chemical, which breaks down vitamin B1 (thiamine). Therefore, long-term consumption of horsetail can lead to a deficiency of this vitamin in the body. There should be a three-hour break between consuming horsetail and products rich in thiamine (meat, fish, liver, bran, whole grain products).

Cucumber and tomato - does this combination harm your health?
Cucumber and tomato - does this combination harm your health?© Pixabay

Is tea with lemon and cucumber with tomato dangerous to health?

Cucumber + tomato - fresh cucumber contains an enzyme called ascorbate, which breaks down vitamin C present in tomatoes. However, it's worth noting that tomatoes are not a significant source of vitamin C. Consuming them with cucumber doesn't result in a substantial loss. It is better not to combine cucumber with vegetables that are rich in vitamin C (pepper, Brussels sprouts, green parsley).

Tea + lemon juice - tea leaves contain aluminum and exposure to high amounts of aluminum can be associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Lemon juice transforms this element into a more absorbable form, aluminum citrate. However, as Dr. Kulczyński explains, citing research, consuming two cups of tea with lemon daily does not cause a significant increase in aluminum levels in the blood. Dr. Kulczyński straightforwardly states that the issue of not combining tea with lemon juice is, in his opinion, overblown by the media.

Eggs + vitamin B7 - raw eggs contain an avidin (this compound that is deactivated in cooked eggs). Avidin blocks the absorption of biotin or vitamin B7, so raw eggs should not be consumed with products rich in biotin, such as meats, fish, offal, seeds, and nuts. Dr. Kulczyński emphasizes that occasionally combining raw eggs with products rich in vitamin B7 will not contribute to deficiencies of this vitamin in the body.

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