HealthDiscover the anti-cholesterol effects of oatmeal, a tasty tool in fighting heart disease

Discover the anti-cholesterol effects of oatmeal, a tasty tool in fighting heart disease

Oatmeal is packed with beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber. Studies indicate that the consumption of beta-glucan can assist in decreasing bad LDL cholesterol levels in the body.

Oat flakes are excellent at sweeping cholesterol out of the arteries.
Oat flakes are excellent at sweeping cholesterol out of the arteries.
Images source: © Licensor | Andrew Okyere

Excessive LDL cholesterol can accumulate on the arterial walls, causing them to narrow and consequently escalating the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Beta-glucan in oatmeal interacts with cholesterol in the intestines, hindering its absorption into the bloodstream. Consequently, the body expels it via stool, contributing to the general cholesterol decrease.

A mere 2 ounces of oatmeal daily can suffice to experience a noticeable effect quickly.

Ways to include oatmeal in your diet

Oatmeal is commonly used as a breakfast staple and can be consumed in various forms - in water, milk (including plant-based ones), yogurt, or broth.

Most people prefer it sweetened: with ingredients like bananas, cinnamon, strawberries, coconut shavings, honey, chocolate, kiwi, and nuts.

The trend of having a savory version is on the rise - simply include seeds, tomatoes, spinach, kale, tofu, bell pepper, eggs, miso paste, or soy sauce.

Breakfast is deemed the optimal time to consume it - as it supplies ample energy and provides satiety for a significant length of time.

Additional health benefits of oatmeal

Besides its cholesterol-lowering capabilities, oatmeal provides numerous other health benefits.

Oatmeal aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels, boosting gut health and metabolism, possesses anti-inflammatory attributes, and is packed with vital vitamins and minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, and B vitamins.

A serving of oatmeal can meet as much as 25% of the daily selenium requirement, an essential mineral for producing thyroid hormones.

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